Badminton Rules - Simplified

  1. To begin a match, a player from either side hits the shuttle into the air when the shuttle lands the side the shuttle is facing is the winning side. The winner gets to choose side of play or first serve.
  2. A match consists of 1 or 3 games.
  3. The side that first scores 15 points shall win the game.
  4. Rally scoring is used (like volleyball), where either serving or receiving team may score a point.
  5. If a score becomes 14-14, the side that scores 2 consecutive points shall win that game. (Like deuce in tennis—must win 2 consecutive points to win.)
  6. If the score becomes 24-24, the side that scores the 25th point shall win the game.
  7. The side winning a game serves first in the next game.
  8. Service rules:
  • Service may be delivered forehand or backhand, but always underhand (the hand must be higher than the head of the racket at contact with shuttle).
  • The feet must stay stationary, and in contact with the floor until after contact between racket and shuttle.
  • The serve is delivered to the opposite diagonal court. 1. In singles the serve must land in the long and narrow service court. 2. In doubles the serve must land in the short and wide service court.
  • A shuttle that touches the line first, is good.
  • A serve that touches the net and lands in the correct service court, is good and should be returned.
  • Only one service (trial) per player is allowed per inning (not like tennis where two trials are allowed).
  • The service is to alternate courts. However, you only change sides with your partner (right to left and vice versa) when you are serving and your team scores a point.
  • Every player must be in their proper court at the time service is made, and only the player being served to may return that serve.
  • After the service, the shuttle may land anywhere in the proper singles or doubles court, and players may move anywhere on the court.
  1. The following are faults: (If you or your partner commits a fault, one point is given to the opposing team.)
  • Service is illegal, i.e., the shuttle is struck when above the waist or the head of the racket is higher than the hand when contact is made.
  • Service or played shot lands outside the specific court, passes through or under the net, or hits a player or obstruction outside the court.
  • Receiver’s partner hits the served shuttle.
  • Shuttle lands outside the court boundaries. Any part of the shuttle touching the line is a good shot.
  • If any player steps out of his/her proper court before delivery of service or feints (fakes a serve) in any way before the service. Only the person served to may return the shuttle.
  • A player may not reach over the net to hit a shuttle; however, he may follow through over the net.
  • A player touches the net with his racket or any part of his body, or clothing.
  • A player fails to return the shuttle to the opponent’s proper court. (He cannot hit, catch or be struck by a doubtful bird and call “out”.)
  • The server steps forward as she serves.
  • In a doubles serve, a player may not (block) the server.
  • A player momentarily holds the shuttle, or hits it twice.
  • If, when attempting to serve, the server swings and misses the shuttle.
  • A doubles’ team hits the shuttle more than once before returning it over the net to the opponent.