Annual General Meeting
AGM Agenda 2024
Annual General Meeting on Monday 13 May 2024 at 9.30am.
Refreshments at 9.00am.
1. Apologies for Absence
2 .Minutes of 2023 AGM - Proposed and Seconded
3. Matters Arising
4. Chairman’s Report
5 .Treasurer: a ) Presentation of Report
b ) Adoption of Accounts- Proposed and Seconded
6. Election of Committee - Proposed and Seconded
AGM Minutes of 2023 Meeting
Minutes of Annual General Meeting Monday 22nd May 2023 9.30am
Present 95 members plus the committee -Geoff Gregg, John Martin, Sheila Martin, Joan Rose, Joe Flynn, Martin Jukes, Celia Spencer Sandy Vivian, Geraldine Dockrell.
1. Apologies
Carol Derbyshire, Beryl Baker, Quintin Elverson, Mike Hellis, Clive OwenJohn Milne, Val Wheeler, Kay Coul-hunter, Gillian Pettitt, Derek Epps
2. Minutes of the last A G M - Monday 17th April 2022
These were read out by Geoff, acceptance proposed by Roy Kirby, seconded by Ann Price and adopted by all members
3. Matters arising from the minutes
i) The Fred Hammond plaque has been positioned over the Health and Fun Notice Board.
John and Sheila Martin were thanked for attending Fred's grave.
ii) The microphone /speaker system has been repaired and as there is no place to store it, has been offered to a local organisation.
4. Chairman's Report
Geoff gave his report and added two updates:-
The React Games Organisation has folded and we have received £779 95 as our share of the funds accrued.
Due to the low interest rates only £152 95 was due to HMRC this year.
5. Treasurer's Report
Sheila gave her report and explained the accounts.
Acceptance was proposed by Rina Si!cock and seconded by Pam Sharp and adopted by all members.
6. Election of Officers
As no one was prepared to be Chairman this coming year, Geoff said that he would be prepared to stand again for one year and Martin explained that he would shadow Geoff and take the office next year. This resolution was put to the members. Norma Mott proposed it, Anne Leach seconded it and it was passed by a show of hands.
The following people agreed to continue on the committee:
Martin Dukes as Vice Chairman, Sheila Martin Treasurer, Joan Rose Members Secretary, Geraldine Dockrell Minutes Secretary, Joe Flynn, Sandy Vivian.
Three new members Stuart Millington, Ellie Hatcher and Sue Murphy were elected.
The election of the committee was approved by members.
7. AOB
i) Phil Spencer proposed that the one minute silence in respect for deceased members should be reintroduced. A discussion from the floor ensued in which the relevance of the silence was disputed since many people were unaware of those mentioned. This was countered with a suggestion that a short resume of the deceased could be given. Chrys Browne suggested that perhaps the departed members could be remembered at the Summer and/or Christmas events. Simon Sherbourne proposed that a combination of the two could be done. No resolution was reached.
ii) Joe Flynn gave a vote of thanks to Geoff and John and a presentation was made to them in appreciation of their valuable service.
John responded with thanks and wished the Club and Committee every success for the future.
The meeting ended at 10.05 am.
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